How to get cheap essays
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Odyssey and Goddess Calypso Circe
Maddy Evans 5 Paragraph Essay Brain-raging Part I: Separation 1. )Call to Adventure à ·Odysseus must go to Troy to battle in the Trojan War 2. )Refusal of the Call à ·At first he won't and expresses that he IS NOT doing battle. 3. )Noting the Call à ·Athena discloses to Odysseus that he ought to go battle. So he at long last concluded he was going to. à ·He got together weapons/food and set up a group and set sail for Troy. 4. )Otherworldly Aid/Guide à ·Athena, all through, The Odyssey , helps him in all his needs. . )Friends à ·Athena (Godley help) à ·Penelope (Odys' better half) à ·Telemachus (Odys' child) 6. )Intersection the Threshold à ·When Ody Leaves for the Trojan War. 7. )Edge Guardians Poseidon's Monster Polyphemus 8. )Entering the stomach of the whale Odysseus is the sole overcomer of a wreck and finishes in Calypso's island. Part II: Initiation 1. )Street of Trials 1. Cicones (six men lost from each boat 2. Lotus-eaters (should forcibly drag the inebriated men ba ck to pontoons) 3.Cyclops (loses 6 men â⬠puts out Polyphemus' eye â⬠insults the blinded Cyclops) 4. Aeolus (gives sack of winds to Odysseus) Aeolus 2 (articulates revile on Odysseus after breezes let out) 5. Laestrygonians (loses all boats yet his own) 6. Circe (men went to pigs â⬠moly encourages him get away from her revile â⬠one year in Circe's home) 7. House [Kingdom] of the Dead (sees Tiresias and Achilles his mom [Anticleia], Agamemnon, et al. ) A. Circe 2 8. Alarms (Odysseus tunes in! ) 9. Scylla and Charybdis (loses six men to Scylla) 10.Cattle of the Sun (loses the remainder of his men) 11. Calypso's Isle 2. )Meeting with the Goddess Calypso Circe 3. )Snatching/Night Sea Journey being Captured by Calypso The excursion to Hades 4. )Monster Battle Representing the numerous obstacles Ody must defeat on his excursion home. 5. )Mates In request for Ody to be changed, he should surrender his previous lifestyle. 6. ) Atonement to/Recognition of the dad The finish of Odys venture and is the venturing stone that encourages him accept his legitimate spot as pioneer in the general public. 7. )Extreme Boom
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Digital marketing presents opportunities and challenges to Essay
Advanced advertising presents openings and difficulties to associations - Essay Example This has consequently set off the human need to remain associated with their companions, along these lines setting off the foundation of person to person communication like Facebook, Twitter and so on in each side of the globe. Interpersonal interaction which gives the ability to create linkages between people, networks and even associations have supported the development and advancement of computerized showcasing, which runs only on the individuals media. The reason for this conversation is to feature the favorable circumstances and negative parts of computerized showcasing. The conversation additionally plans to cover the techniques in which associations can execute it so as to produce their upper hand in the market. Body Chitty and different essayists have sketched out in their book on computerized advertising that the idea of advanced promoting assists with focusing on purchasers situated in each side of the globe, regardless of any invulnerable geological hindrances. Likewise, a nother point that was featured was the way that the use of advanced showcasing prompts the reality of lower cost per contact with respect to the promoting possibilities of other advertising media and stages (Chitty and, 2011, p. 224).Another interesting bit of leeway as refered to by Kimmel in his book is the way that internet advertising gives the organizations the opportunity to build the degree of contribution among the proposed target crowd (Kimmel, 2010, p. 210).However, Smith and Zook in their book, has sketched out the way that the computerized advertising represent a lot of difficulties too. The significant factor is that within the sight of online networks, the organization supporting the advanced promoting can't control the remarks and criticism of online clients. Along these lines, it can possibly destruct a companyââ¬â¢s brand picture based on negative informal showcasing by online clients on the long range interpersonal communication destinations (Smith and Zoo k, 2011, p. 152). An additional inconvenience as referenced by Prakin is the reality the computerized promoting by different organizations may prompt over-burden of data to the customers and this undeniably prompts less measure of maintenance for a specific brand that has taken an interest in web based marking exercises (Prakin, 2008, pp. 121-139). It must be progressively mulled over that computerized promoting is another type of advertising where the showcasing is done web based utilizing the web, while explicitly focusing on the buyers with the items and administrations as wanted by them. Thus, it is critical that the organizations need to remember that the internet showcasing exercises ought to be done in a supplementing way regarding the whole advertising effort, with the goal that it includes esteem and progressively fills the need for the promoting efforts overall. The extremely beginning point that must be mulled over while progressively executing the instruments of advanced advertising is the way toward conveying the correct message from the hierarchical perspective to the ideal objective market, which helps in making a solid holding between the association and the intended interest group. The conveyance vehicle for the voice can extend from organization supported blog pages, twitter updates to the more normally utilized online life interfaces going from refreshes on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube. It must be progressively remembered that the past mediums that are solely supported by the organizations itself helps in advertising
Sunday, August 9, 2020
20 M?rk?t P?n?tr?ti?n Str?t?gi?? F?r Building A Pr?fit?bl? Business Qui?kly
20 M?rk?t P?n?tr?ti?n Str?t?gi?? F?r Building A Pr?fit?bl? Business Qui?kly Market penetration i? often u??d to d???rib? th? ?xt?nt to which a ?r?du?t ?r service i? kn?wn t? ??t?nti?l ?u?t?m?r? and how m?n? consumers ??tu?ll? bu? th? ?r?du?t ?r service.F?r ?x?m?l?, if th? target market for your skateboard ?h?? ?r? males b?tw??n th? ages ?f 10 ?nd 25, but in r??lit?, ?nl? 5 ??r??nt of that t?rg?t market ??tu?ll? buy skateboards, th?t 5 ??r??nt share ?f consumers th?t ??ur ?k?t?b??rd ?h?? has managed to attract is described ?? the market penetration of the ?h?? in that target m?rk?t.Th?r?f?r?, market ??n?tr?ti?n ??n b? ??id t? be a m???ur? ?f th? ?m?unt of ??l?? or ?d??ti?n ?f a ?r?du?t ?r ??rvi?? compared t? th? t?t?l theoretical m?rk?t for th?t ?r?du?t ?r ??rvi??.In ?dditi?n, m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n ??n also in?lud? th? activities th?t are used to in?r???? th? m?rk?t share ?f a particular ?r?du?t ?r service.Hereâs another ?x?m?l?, if there ?r? 300 million ????l? in a ??untr? and 65 milli?n of those ????l? h?v? ??ll ?h?n??, then th? m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n of cell ?h ?n?? w?uld be approximately 22%.In theory, there ?r? ?till 235 million m?r? ??t?nti?l ?u?t?m?r? f?r ??ll?h?n??, whi?h may be a g??d ?ign of gr?wth f?r ??ll?h?n? m?k?r?.In g?n?r?l, older ?ff?ring? ?r indu?tri?? h?v? gr??t?r m?rk?t penetrations, but n?w industries with the right strategy ??uld ?ggr???iv?l? g?in m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n in n? time.M?rk?t penetration encompasses th? ??tiviti?? u??d t? g?in additional market ?h?r?, such as ?dv?rti?ing ?nd price ?h?ng??, ?nd it serves ?? a measurement for th? ?m?unt of m?rk?t ?h?r?.M?RK?T P?N?TR?TI?N STR?T?GI?? F?R BUILDING A PROFITABLE BU?IN??? QUI?KLY1. P?n?tr?ti?n Pri?ing Penetration pricing i? a type of ?ri?ing ?tr?t?g? often u??d b? retailers t? ???tiv?t? new ?u?t?m?r? to a new r?t?il?r, ?r?du?t or ??t?g?r?.According t? this ?tr?t?g?, th? initi?l price of a ?r?du?t i? low t? ??r?u?d? ?u?t?m?r? to ?h???? the n?w brand. M?rk?t share growth ?r creating m?rk?t f?r a brand new ?r?du?t i? the m?j?r g??l ?f ??n?tr?ti?n ?ri?ing.After thi? ?bj??tiv ? i? ??hi?v?d, r?t?il?r? u?u?ll? in?r???? ?ri???.Th? penetration ?tr?t?g? u?u?ll? w?rk? best f?r a n?w product on a m?rk?t. Especially if itâ? a market with tin? diff?r?nti?ti?n of ?r?du?t? (?.g. hi-t??h ?l??tr?ni??), ?nd high ?ri?? elasticity ?f customerâs d?m?nd.In ??ntr??t to price ?kimming ?tr?t?g?, wh?r? the price starts high but th?n is ?l?wl? r?du??d to gr?z? diff?r?nt ??gm?nt? of the m?rk?t t? m?int?in ?r?fit?bilit? ?v?r a ??ri?d, penetration ?ri?ing b?gin? ?t a l?w cost.Instead of th? b??i? idea of the law ?f demand ?nd ?u??l?, wh?r? the ?m?ll?r th? price, th? bigg?r th? d?m?nd ?f g??d?, price ??n?tr?ti?n b?gin? ?t a l?w ?ri??, and th?n it ri??? with th? h???? th?t th? d?m?nd in?r????? t??. The id?? i? t? ?x??nd m?rk?t ?h?r? and gr?du?ll? increase ?ri??? ?v?r tim?.T?k?, for ?x?m?l?, discount ?t?r?? (e.g. Walmart), wholesalers (like, SaleHoo) ?nd h??k-?nd-b?it m?nuf??tur?r? (e.g. printers ?r r?z?r?) u?? ??n?tr?ti?n ?ri?ing in a ??u?l? ?f w???.First, they u?? it t? sell n ?w ?r?du?t? in th?ir ?t?r?? b? ?dv?rti?ing how low th?ir ?ri??? are ??m??r?d t? ?th?r stores. Th?? d? this in h???? th?t th? ?u?t?m?r? will ?ur?h??? f?w items u??n ?nt?ring the ?t?r?.Alth?ugh th?? w?uld b? losing funds on th? new ?r?du?t, th?? would b? getting m?r? customers into th? ?t?r?.Additi?n?ll?, th?? u?? ??n?tr?ti?n ?ri?ing t? undersell th?ir established ??m??titi?n.On?? th??âv? ???ur?d ?nd ?x??nd?d th?ir customer b???, th?? gr?du?ll? ?t?rt raising ?ri???. Th? explanation is that often th? initi?l ?ri??? intr?du??d via penetration ?ri?ing donât giv? a great deal ?f profitability since th? m?rgin? ?r? g?n?r?ll? v?r? slim.As a result, th? bu?in??? needs to r?i?? ?ri??? ?v?r time in ?rd?r t? b? able to offer th?ir products and ??rvi??? m?r? profitably.Wh?n ??ming into a n?w m?rk?t, th? penetration ?ri?ing ???r???h is ?ru?i?l since itâs u??ful when d?t?rmining wh?th?r th? ?r?du?t can capture a ???ur? m?rk?t rate.Despite not m?king any ?h?ng? t? the ??m??n?â? m?rk?ting st rategy, it h?? ?n unim?gin?bl? ??t?nti?l f?r b?th profit ?nd r?v?nu? growth.Ex?m?l? ?f ?ri?? ??n?tr?ti?nSm?rt Ph?n? Pr?vid?r?Letâs t?k? f?r ?x?m?l?, tw? m?j?r ?m?rt ?h?n? operating systems th?t u?? v??tl? diff?r?nt ?ri?ing ?tr?t?gi??.Android ?im? for gr??t?r market penetration with a ??n?tr?ti?n scheme. Andr?id phones are available at a ?t??? di???unt, in the hopes that users will b???m? loyal t? th? brand.Thi? ???r???h ?l?? opens a wid?r r?ng? ?f ??n?um?r? u? to the Android m?rk?t?l???, whil? A??l? ?mbr???? a skimming ?tr?t?g?, ?r?viding high-???t products that skim a ?m?ll market ?h?r? ?ff the top.A r?l?t?d penetration ?tr?t?g? ???ul?r ?m?ng ?m?rt phone ?r?vid?r? also u??? ??n?tr?ti?n ?ri?ing. In thi? ??h?m?, providers ??ll ?h??? ?r free ?m?rt ?h?n?? in r?turn f?r long-term ??ntr??t with ?u?t?m?r?.Consumers get excited ?b?ut th? ?h??? ?h?n?, ?nd f?il t? n?ti?? th?t th? contract costs mu?h m?r? in th? long-term th?n the ?h?n? w?uld.DVD R?nt?l?A Frid?? night tri? t? a vid?? or DVD rental ?h?? w?? a f?mil? tradition ??r??? th? nation f?r ?t least a g?n?r?ti?n. When N?tflix ?nt?r?d the market, it had t? convince ??n?um?r? t? w?it a day or tw? t? r???iv? th?ir movies. To ????m?li?h this g??l, it offered introductory subscription ?ri??? as l?w as a dollar.The ?ri?ing ?tr?t?g? w?? so ?ff??tiv? that tr?diti?n?l providers such as Bl??kbu?t?r ???n w?r? edged ?ut ?f th? m?rk?t.Giv??w??? ?nd BOGOsGiv??w??? ?nd buy-one, g?t-?n? (BOGO) ??l?? can ?n??ur?g? consumers t? ???nd more money th?n th?? otherwise would. Th??? ??l?? ??n also b? ?n ?x?m?l? ?f ??n?tr?ti?n ?ri?ing.M?nuf??tur?r? may ??ntr??t with m?r?h?nt? t? ?ff?r a n?w ?r?du?t f?r fr?? with th? ?ur?h??? ?f a related ?r?du?t. The m?nuf??tur?r temporarily loses m?n??, but d??? ?? in th? h???? ?f ?r??ting int?r??t in th? n?w ?r?du?t.Popular FoodsMany new foods intr?du?? themselves t? th? m?rk?t with a ??n?tr?ti?n ?ri?ing ?tr?t?g?. S?m? bu?in????? ?v?n giv? ???k?g?? ?f n?w products away by, for example, sponsoring even ts and ?r?viding ??m?l? ???k? to attendees.In ?n? n?t?bl? ?u?h ?x?m?l?, Frit?-L?? intr?du??d St?x t? th? m?rk?t in 2003. The brand w?? a dir??t ??m??tit?r t? th? well-established Pringles lin? ?f ?hi??.To dr?w more bu?in???, the ??m??n? ?ff?r?d the ?hi?? ?t a ?t??? di???unt ?f $0.69 per ??ni?t?r. This ??rn?d th? br?nd ?r?min?nt di??l?? l???ti?n? ?t m?n? r?t?il?r?. When th? ?hi?? h?d full? ??n?tr?t?d th? m?rk?t, th? price quickly rose t? w?ll above $1.2. More Pr?m?ti?nS?m?tim?? th? r????n wh? a ??m??n? d???nât have a very big market share i? b???u?? people ju?t d?nât know ?b?ut wh?t a company h?? t? ?ff?r.Wh?n thi? happens, a m?rk?ting or advertising ??m??ign m?? b? u??d t? in?r???? m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n. Pr?m?ti?n? can t?k? on a numb?r ?f diff?r?nt f?rm?: ??l??, ??nt??t?, or segment specific offers are ?ll ways th?t a bigger m?rk?t ?h?r? ??n b? ?bt?in?d.Many ?r?m?ti?n? ?r? ?h?rt-liv?d ?nd ?n??ur?g? ?u?t?m?r? t? ??m? b??k l?t?r to purchase ?t a full price b???u?? th??âv? b??n able to ?x??ri?n?? th? v?lu? of the ?r?du?t fir?t-h?nd.3. Enh?n??d DistributionCu?t?m?r ??gm?nt? m?? l?v? th? product. Th?? may w?nt to purchase th? product in dr?v??. With?ut th? right di?tributi?n ?h?nn?l? in ?l???, h?w?v?r, th? l?v?l? ?f market ??n?tr?ti?n th?t could b? ??hi?v?d can never be full? realized.A ??m??n? th?t may ??ll fr?m a ?t?r?fr?nt only might choose t? ?r??t? ?n e-commerce ?it? wh?r? th?? ??uld ?hi? their ?r?du?t? ?r?und th? world.Dir??t mail companies might ?h???? t? in?lud? telemarketing ?? a w?? t? increase th?ir market ??n?tr?ti?n. An ?nlin? ?nl? company might ???n u? a physical ?t?r?.Th? k?? t? making thi? example w?rk i? that th? n?w distribution strategy t? th? t?rg?t?d ?u?t?m?r segments mu?t b? completely diff?r?nt.If Am?z?n w?r? to ???n u? another w?b?it? th?t ??ld th? same thing?, th?? w?uld ju?t be dividing th?ir customer base.On th? ?th?r h?nd, if Am?z?n began t? ???n u? ?t?r?? in local m?ll? around the world, th?? ??uld r???h more customers m?r? fr??u?ntl ?.4. Improved Goods ?r S?rvi???If an ?ff?r i? b?ginning to stall out ?r th? ?r?du?t? ?r? b?ginning to b???m? ?t?l?, then improving th? ?ff?r can r?n?w the levels ?f ?x?it?m?nt for it ?nd increase th? ?v?r?ll market ??n?tr?ti?n.Y?uâll see thi? m?th?d used in grocery ?t?r?? all th? time t?d??.20% m?r? than ?ur ?t?nd?rd 8 ?un?? box.New ?nd im?r?v?d fl?v?r?.A b?tt?r r??i??.Th? g??l is ?im?l?: g?t ?u?t?m?r? wh? h?v? l?ft f?r different ?r?du?t? to ??m? b??k ?nd try th? it?m once again. Sometimes the product itself d???nât h?v? t? be ?lt?r?d t? bring ?b?ut the perception ?f im?r?v?m?nt.A b?tt?r ?r?du?t design ??n make ?n it?m m?r? attractive. R?br?nding can ?r??t? ?x?it?m?nt. B? ?r??ting m?r? ?????l, th? perception of improvement i? sometimes ju?t ?? v?lu?bl? ?? a real improvement.Product Im?r?v?m?nt?Th? m??t widely u??d m?rk?t penetration ?tr?t?g? âPr?du?t Improvementsâ. Im?r?v?m?nt? in ?r?du?t?/ services are im??r?tiv? t? ?ttr??t t?rg?t ?u?t?m?r? and ??hi?v? high market ??n?tr?ti ?n. By im?r?ving th? ?u?lit?, the businesses ?r? able t? ?ut??rf?rm competitors ?nd are ?bl? t? m??t/ exceed ?u?t?m?r?â ?x???t?ti?n? which r??ult? in attracting n?w ?u?t?m?r? and increased sales. Th? im?r?v?m?nt? in products can r?g?n?r?t? ??n?um?r?â int?r??t in f?iling ?r declining products / ??rvi???, th? ?h?ng? could either b? in ???k?ging m?t?ri?l, design ?f products ?r th? w?? a ??rvi?? i? r?nd?r?d. The change whether big ?r small ?r ?f any kind ?h?uld b? significant ?n?ugh to b? n?ti??d by ?u?t?m?r?.A company ??n also ??hi?v? higher ??l?? if it is ?bl? to increase th? u??g? of it? ?r?du?t? by ?xi?ting ?u?t?m?r b???. It ??n b? ??hi?v?d by r??idl? ?h?nging th? t??hn?l?gi?? which will ultimately ?n??ur?g? u??r? t? u?gr?d? th? ?r?du?t.5. ComparisonsIf you n??d t? ?t?nd out fr?m ??ur competition in ?rd?r t? in?r???? ??ur market penetration, th?n a dir??t ??m??ri??n m?k?? a l?t ?f ??n??.C?m??r? your goods ?r services t? those ?f th? ??m??titi?n. Sh?w th? customer b??? why wh?t ? ?uâv? got i? b?tt?r th?n what the competition h??.Wh?n all things ?r? ??u?l, ??ur ??r??n?lit? ?nd h?w ??u deliver a product can b? the ?n? small ?h?ng? th?t i? n??????r? t? giv? you th? competitive ?dg?.H?ving a deeper market ??n?tr?ti?n m??n? having the chance t? earn m?r? revenues ?v?r? year. U?? th??? ?x?m?l?? t? im?r?v? ??ur m?rk?t ?h?r? ?nd ??u may b? ?ur?ri??d ?t h?w m?n? ?f ??ur ?u?t?m?r segments w?nt to experience wh?t ??u h?v?.6. Pri?? Adju?tm?nt?This market ??n?tr?ti?n ?tr?t?g? ??n?id?r?d ?? th? star of all th? market penetration strategies. Price Adju?tm?nt i? considered ?? th? most h??vil? d??l???d m?rk?ting ?tr?t?g?.Wh?n a company peruses this ?tr?t?g? th? prices of ?r?du?t? undergo r?du?ti?n. Thi? strategy ?n?bl?? th? company to ?ttr??t price sensitive consumers and ?im? at g?ining ??n?tr?ti?n thr?ugh l?rg? sales v?lum? ?f a product. Th? goal i? to divert th? attention ?f ?u?t?m?r? fr?m ??m??tit?râ? products t? companyâs ?r?du?t?.H?w?v?r, th? r??ult? ??n b? ??t?? tr??hi? f?r a C?m??n? if th? ?tr?t?g? i? not ?x??ut?d ?r???rl?.When th? prices ?r? dropped the m?rgin? also dr??, if th? r?du?ti?n i? n?t ?u??l?m?nt?d by in?r????d ??l?? volume th?n ?ith?r the ?r?du?t would n??d m?difi??ti?n? or the ?ri??? n??d t? b? r??dju?t?d ?g?in.Pri?? ?dju?tm?nt? ??n ?l?? ?ff??t br?nd ?nd ?r?du?t positioning.7. M?rk?t D?v?l??m?ntMarket d?v?l??m?nt considered ?? th? k?? to m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n ?tr?t?gi??. M?rk?t development m??n? expanding t? n?w ??t?nti?l u??r?.The t?rg?t? ?f thi? ??n?tr?ti?n strategy ?r? th? people wh? have never b?ught ??m??n?â? ?r?du?t? ?r ??rvi???. Th? company adds n?w ????l? t? it? potential ?u?t?m?r b??? and in?r????? the boundaries ?f it? m?rk?t.A ??m??n? can ?l?? add ????l? t? it? u??r base by ?ggr???iv?l? t?rg?ting developing/new m?rk?t? ?r b? identifying new segments in th? ?urr?nt market, h?w?v?r, before entering/developing new market, assessment of all associated ri?k? i? a key factor ?? if th? ?r?fit ??t?nti?l ?f ?u?h m?rk?t is l?w th?n th? result will be loss ?f tim? and m?n??.Only the company th?t i? ?ur? ?b?ut the ?r?fit g?n?r?ti?n capability of its product and is ??nfid?nt th?t th? ?r?du?t w?uld be ?bl? ?????l t? consumers ?h?uld ?mb?rk u??n M?rk?t development ?tr?t?g?.8. Increase r???hIf ??ur product i? ?h?nn?l driv?n, than in?r???ing th? r???h ?f ??ur ?r?du?t is the b??t m?rk?t penetration strategy t? sell better than th? ??m??titi?n.The w?? t? d? this i? t? find more channel dealers ?nd channel partners.The tri?k here i? t? keep th? channel ??rtn?r m?tiv?t?d ?t all times to d? bu?in??? with ??u.By increasing th? r???h, and having ??ur ?r?du?t? everywhere thr?ugh channel dealers and r?t?il?r?, ??u ensure th?t the ?u?t?m?r d??? n?t miss ?ut on your ?r?du?t and i? ?ur? t? g?t ??ur ?r?du?t wherever he g???, whi?h i? ?n?th?r sure shot w?? for market penetration.9. Increase u??g?By in?r???ing the u??g? ?f a ?r?du?t, you ??n in?r???? its ??n?um?ti?n thereby ??n?tr?ting th? m?rk?t ?v?n further.Thus, if ????l? ?t?rt ??ting a ???k?t of chips more ?ft?n because th??? ?hi?? ?r? m?rk?t?d h??vil? in th? ?r??, th? higher ??n?um?ti?n will increase th? market penetration.If you l??k at toothpaste br?nd?, th?? ?n??ur?g? tw? time u?? ?f toothbrush and t??th???t? n?t ?nl? b???u?? it is h?gi?ni?, because t??th???t? ??n?um?ti?n will h????n d?ubl? f??t if bru?hing is d?n? 2 times in a d??.10. Attract ??m??titi?n customers ?nd d??l?r?Th? ??l? wars ?r? the b??t example ?f ?ttr??ting ??m??titi?n ?u?t?m?r?.B? dropping th? ?ri?? in a giv?n ?r?? f?r th? di?tribut?r or t?rg?ting th? ?xi?ting dealers ?f ??m??titi?n products, ??u ??n increase ??ur market ??n?tr?ti?n b? d??r???ing the quantity ?f ?r?du?t? ??ld b? ??m??tit?r.Int?rn?ti?n?l Market Penetration Begins with BrandingW?l??m? to th? big l??gu?? where, for d???d??, only a ?m?ll h?ndful of the w?rldâ? l?rg??t ??r??r?ti?n? had th? capacity t? ???r?t?. N?w that barriers to international tr?d? have toppled, ?nd advancements in mass communications m?di? h?v? ?n?bl?d small and midsized businesses t? ??m??t? ?n the international ???l?, itâs ????ibl? for virtu?ll? ?n? company t? ?x??nd th?ir br?nd m????g? beyond th? r?ng? of th?ir ??tu?l ??l?? footprint.Th?t means building ?n internationally r???gniz?d br?nd is a l?gitim?t? ????ibilit? for ?n in?r???ing numb?r ?f ??m??ni??. Of course, l?gitim??? in th?t sense will ?lw??? b? a ?r?du?t ?f diligent brand ?tr?t?g?.11. N?n u??r? to start th? ?r?du?tEn??ur?ging n?n users t? ?t?rt using the ?r?du?t is a t?ugh t??k and this i? wh?r? the m?rk?ting d???rtm?nt ?t??? in. Sm?ll?r r?frig?r?t?r? ?r mini b?r? in b?dr??m? wh?r? not th? n?rm.But b? ?r?du?t ?l???m?nt ?tr?t?gi?? ?nd b? in?r???ing awareness, m?n? ????l? h?v? started k???ing mini bars in their b?d rooms th?r?b? m?king non users ?? âusersâ of the product mini b?r.Thu?, there ?r? numerous market penetration ?tr?t?gi?? ?nd t??ti??. However, th??? t??ti?? will implement best when ??u u?? multi?l? t??ti?? t?g?th?r. Like in?r???ing the reach ? f th? ?r?du?t should lik? b? ????m??ni?d with increasing th? ?r?m?ti?n?.B? in?r???ing th? ?r?m?ti?n?, you are in?r???ing th? usage ?nd also ?ttr??ting competition customers.12. Give Your C?m??n? P?r??n?lit?One way t? compete with bigg?r ?l???r? i? to giv? ??ur company a personality, ?? ??n?um?r? ??? ?h???ing with you ?? a little bit ????i?l.Many mi?r?br?w?ri?? ?r? m??t?r? ?f this ?tr?t?g?.The company profiles ?nd advertisements d???rib? h?w they b?g?n, wh? th?? care about b??r, why theyre dedicated to bringing ??u th? b??t b??r ?v?r.Other br?w?r? ?dd to the company l?g?nd b? w??ving th?m??lv?? deeply int? the ??mmunit?, b???ming as local ?? ????ibl?.13. Off?r Something Diff?r?ntIf ??ur product or ??rvi?? h?? some ?u?lit? th?t ?t?nd? ?ut from th? ??m??titi?n, th?t? a g??d t??l f?r m?rk?t penetration. Unil?v?r, f?r ?x?m?l?, ??ll? Dove Cream B?r? at a higher ?ri?? th?n th? ?v?r?g? soap.What m?k?? that ????ibl? i? th?t Unil?v?r emphasizes the ????? arent h?r?h ?r ?kin-dr?ing, whi?h ???? ?l? t? ?u?t?m?r? m?r? concerned with moisturizing th?n merely cleaning.Coupled with an ?ggr???iv? ??l?? campaign, Dove Cr??m? distinctive qualities have ?r?v?n a winn?r.14. Upsurge U??g?A very potent m?th?d ?f m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n i? th?t ?f increased u??g? of ?n? ?r?du?t ?r ??rvi??.If a m?rk?ting promotion campaign i? ?ff??tiv?l? delivered at a ????ifi? ?r??, then it w?uld l??d t? an u??urg? in product use which w?uld thus lead to better market ??n?tr?ti?n with the in?r???? in ??l?? figur??.15. Kn?wing Ri?k ?nd GrowthMost marketers wh?n?v?r think ?f growth, think of n?w launches. However, it is only ??rti?ll? tru?. A?tu?ll?, it can b? ri?k? t??. When a n?w ?r?du?t i? being l?un?h?d, th?r? ?xi?t? th? ri?k ?f it being successful ?r n?t.But, ?n ?ffi?i?nt di?tributi?n channel ?l?ng with a ?m??th d?liv?r? process m?k?? it sure that the ?r?du?t d??? m??t the ?x???t?ti?n?. Similarly, ?nt?ring a brand n?w ??gm?nt ?f the market ??n be risky ?? well.Th?r?f?r?, it i? ?b??lut?l? ????nti?l to kn? w your m?rk?t ?nd your ?r?du?t in order t? d? well and beyond ?x???t?ti?n?.An ?ff??tiv? way to d? this i? to ?r???rl? ??mmuni??t? with th? customers and b? ??n?itiv? t? their r??uir?m?nt? and w?nt?.16. Cr??t? b?rri?r? t? ?ntr?Wh?n it ??m?? t? ?d??ting ?tr?t?gi? ??ti?n?, it i? ?ru?i?l to l?v?r?g? ??ur businessâs strengths in a correct and ju?t m?nn?r.F?r ?x?m?l?, b? minimizing your v?ri?bl? ???t?, ??u ??n b???t ??ur ??l?? ?nd ??t?bli?h a b?rri?r t? ?ntr? f?r ?th?r?.Thi? is why many firm? with ?u??ri?r t??hn?l?g? ?nd distinct ?r??????? are able to reduce variable costs ?nd earn better gross m?rgin? ??r it?m ??ld.With a ?ub?t?nti?l share in th? m?rk?t ?nd ?n ?ffi?i?nt marketing process, ??ur bu?in??? ??uld ?r??t? a b?rri?r to entry t? prevent ??m??tit?r? fr?m ??ming int? ??ur industry.E??n?mi? b?rri?r? t? entry ?r? ??rt ?f th? reason some companies thriv? ?nd ?th?r? f?il. L??rn wh?t b?rri?r? to ?ntr? are ?nd wh? th?? ?r? so im??rt?nt to understand b?f?r? entering a specific business or m?rk?t. Read about ??m? ?urr?nt-d?? examples.Wh?t Are the B?rri?r? to EntryBarriers t? ?ntr? are ?b?t??l?? th?t m?k? it diffi?ult to ?nt?r a giv?n m?rk?t. These hindr?n??? m?? in?lud? g?v?rnm?nt regulation ?nd ??t?nt?, t??hn?l?g? ?h?ll?ng??, ?t?rt-u? ???t?, or education and li??n?ing r??uir?m?nt?. L?t? di??u?? a f?w of th? m??t ??mm?n b?rri?r?.Types ?f B?rri?r? to Entr?G?v?rnm?nt R?gul?ti?nTh? g?v?rnm?nt m?? ??t as a barrier t? ?ntr? int? a certain market thr?ugh r??tri?tiv? li??n?ing requirements ?r limiting th? ?bilit? t? obtain raw materials. Bu?in????? ?r individuals l??king t? ?t?rt a business in a ??rti?ul?r fi?ld may be r??uir?d t? g?t a li??n?? or ?th?r g?v?rnm?nt ???r?v?l in ?rd?r to carry on with bu?in???. F?r ?x?m?l?, ??u may want t? ?t?rt ??ur own r?di? n?tw?rk but u??n furth?r r????r?h learn there ?r? ??v?r?l government hurdles and costs t? ?tt?in ?nd broadcast ?n a ??rti?ul?r r?di? w?v?l?ngth.St?rt-U? C??t?High start-up costs can k??? n?w firm? from entering an indu ?tr?. C?n ??u im?gin? tr?ing to g?t into th? car m?nuf??turing bu?in???? The ?m?unt ?f ???it?l n??d?d t? bu? th? building?, machinery, ??? th? workforce, ?nd so ?n ?ll ??rv? as a barrier t? entry.T??hn?l?g?S?m?tim?? it i? difficult t? ?nt?r a particular fi?ld ?r bu?in??? b???u?? th? t??hn?l?g? you need to b? successful is ?r?t??t?d b? a ??t?nt. Th?r?f?r?, ??u cant u?? it or ?r? left to tr? and develop a n?w t??hn?l?g? that may require lots ?f m?n?? to d?v?l??.E??n?mi?? ?f ScaleThe ?xi?t?n?? ?f ???n?mi?? of scale can ?l?? be a barrier. Economies of ???l? ?r? the g?in? in efficiency ?nd l?w?r ?r?du?ti?n costs th?t often result fr?m a company growing l?rg?r ?nd l?rg?r. Since ?xi?ting firm? ?r? ?lr??d? ?r?du?ing, they ?r? ?ft?n b?tt?r-???iti?n?d t? undercut ?n price. L?t? im?gin? ??u w?nt?d t? ?t?rt ?n automobile ??m??n?. Ev?n if ??u b?ught a f?w buildings, hir?d a w?rkf?r??, and ?bt?in?d the machinery n??d?d, d? you think ??u could ?r?du?? a ?imil?r car ?t the ??m? cost ?? F?rd, GM, or Toyota?17. Be uni?u? ?nd think differentlyAlth?ugh, th? ?ntir? ?r????? of m?rk?t penetration ???m? ?im?l? ?nd m?n?t?n?u?, yet itâ? a big ?h?ll?ng? if you ??r??iv? it to be. T? ?v?r??m? th? challenge, you need t? be more unique ?nd highl? inn?v?tiv? in your ???r???h.A r???titiv? ??lling strategy would yield unsatisfactory r??ult? ?nd hind?r ??ur gr?wth potential.S?, it w?uld b? b?tt?r t? think diff?r?nt ?nd m?dif? your penetration tactics ?? ?nd wh?n required. By b?ing more inn?v?tiv? and ?dding v?lu? to ??ur ?r?du?t? you ?nh?n?? ??ur success ?h?n???.S?m? actions ??u ??uld ??n?id?r t? be unique ?r?:Edu??t? ??ur ?u?t?m?r? â" This i? im??rt?nt ?? m?n? tim?? ????l? ?r? un?w?r? ?f th? ?u?lit? ?f the ?r?du?t and how it ??uld be ?f use t? them.M?k? purchasing ???i?r â" M?n? ?u?????ful businesses l?nd a credit facility t? th?ir customers ?nd thu? increase th? ?u?t?m?r?â ability t? bu?.Wid?n th? di?tributi?n network â" M?king your ?r?du?t ?v?il?bl? ?t m?r? l???ti?n? and better delive ry and service ??ti?n? ??n also significantly b???t ??ur sales figures.Generate r?f?rr?l? â" If ??u ??n ?n??ur?g? ??ur ?u?t?m?r? t? give referrals, it w?uld ??rt?int? ?ff??t your ?h?n??? ?f ??l??. For ?x?m?l?, ??u can ?ff?r gift ??u??n? or reward ??int? t? th??? customers whose r?f?rr?l? do actually get converted.Ch?nging ?r?du?t designs â" B? making th? ?r?du?t in a m?r? u??r-fri?ndl? m?nn?r, your ?h?n??? of ??l?? ??nv?r?i?n ?ignifi??ntl? g?t a lift. For ?x?m?l?, you ??uld make a lengthy n?v?l a paperback one in?t??d of a h?rdb?und ?n?.18. DiversificationThe ?r?du?t ??n?tr?ti?n t??ti? ?f div?r?ifi??ti?n entails m?nuf??turing n?w ?r?du?t? f?r new markets. Th? strategy ?f div?r?ifi??ti?n is u?u?ll? f?ll?w?d wh?n?v?r, there i? saturation in th? current m?rk?t ?r wh?n ?nvir?nm?nt?l ?h?ng?? ?u?h ?? ???i?t?l, economic, technological ?r r?gul?t?r? m?k? it v?r? h?rd t? g?n?r?t? n?w sales in th??? markets.Thi? strategy i? most ??mm?nl? f?ll?w?d b? those businesses in the h??lth ???t?r, ?u ?h ?? hospitals. H???it?l? have n?w div?r?ifi?d their ??rvi??? in th? form ?f l?ng-t?rm care facilities, reimbursement, n?tw?rk r?f?rr?l? ?nd utiliz?ti?n.Th??? firm? th?t have div?r?ifi?d ?n ????rtuniti?? of th?ir strengths h?v? b??n able t? g?in th? most.19. Strategic Alli?n???For some organizations, it i? diffi?ult du? to ?n? ?r m?r? reasons t? ?nt?r n?w m?rk?t?. To ??lv? ?u?h ?n i??u?, m?n? ?f th??? organizations ?nt?r int? a kind ?f strategic ?lli?n??? with one ?n?th?r t? ???r?t? in a ??rti?ul?r m?rk?t.Alth?ugh ?tr?t?gi? alliances can b? formed int? m?n? forms, th? more common ?n? i? th? j?int v?ntur? bu?in???, in which ???h ??rtn?r business h?ld? ?n ??uit? ???iti?n.Th? m??t ??mm?n ?nd n?tur?l strategic ?lli?n??? ?r? found in th? ?h?rm???uti??l industry.20. P?rtn?r With Other BusinessesTeamwork i? ?lw??? m?r? ?ff??tiv? than ?ingul?r ?ff?rt, and combining resources with another business ??n h?l? you d? things you ??uld never ????m?li?h ?n your ?wn.Itâs t??i??ll? best t? t?rg?t companies in ??ur l???l ?r??, even if your ?li?nt?l? i?nât l???l. Y?ur goal i? to w?rk ?ut a complementary arrangement that ?r?vid?? mutu?l b?n?fit f?r b?th bu?in?????.Some j?int v?ntur? examples include:A PPC ?g?n?? could ??rtn?r with a CRO agency t? r?f?r clients t? ???h ?th?r.A ??ff?? shop could offer free ??ff?? vouchers to a plumbing ??m??n?â? customers.A marketing ??m??n? could ??rtn?r with ?n ????unting firm t? r???mm?nd ???h ?th?râ? ??rvi??? during n?w ?li?nt ?n b??rding.A beauty th?r??i?t ??uld ?ff?r fr?? m?ni?ur?? for a h?ir ?t?li?tâ? ?li?nt?.Th?r? i? r??ll? n? limit to wh?tâ? possible. Sim?l? id?ntif? ?r????v?r in ??ur ?udi?n?? and a n?n-??m??tit?râ? audience and th?n find a w?? t? tap into th?t crossover in a mutu?ll? b?n?fi?i?l way.The Ch?ll?ng?? ?f M?rk?t PenetrationM?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n is supposed to be a l?w-ri?k bu?in??? gr?wth strategy t??i??ll? ??nt?r?d ?r?und in?r???ing marketing and ??l?? ?ff?rt?, and ??m?tim?? in?r???ing th? number of business l???ti? n? in the int?r??t ?f capturing gr??t?r ?h?r?? ?f ?n ?xi?ting customer b???.Done w?ll, market ??n?tr?ti?n yields v?lu?bl? g?in? in m?rk?t ?h?r?.H?w?v?r, lik? any l?w-ri?k endeavor, m?rk?t penetration h?? limits.F?r instance, b?f?r? ?nt?ring a n?w m?rk?t, businesses mu?t devote time ?nd resources t? ??tim?t? th?ir m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n ??t?nti?lâ"th? primary ?nd secondary r????r?h ?t?g?? ?r?vi?u?l? d???rib?d.And in th? ?nd, if it i? determined th?t a n?w m?rk?t shows th? lik?lih??d ?f profitable market ??n?tr?ti?n ??t?nti?l, a business ?h?uld t?k? it ?? a giv?n th?t th? m?rk?t will eventually reach th? ??int ?f ??tur?ti?n. Th? r????r?h finding? may even r?v??l a ?r?di?t?bl? tim?t?bl? f?r that.At th?t ??int th?r? i? n? other ?h?i?? but t? shift f??u? int? ?th?r ?r?? lik? th? development ?f n?w m?rk?t?.ADVANTAGES OF MARKET PENETRATION STRATEGIESM??t m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n ?tr?t?gi?? m?k? b?n?fit ?f r?du??d ?ri??? t? u??urg? ?r?du?t d?m?nd ?nd in?r???? ??ur m?rk?t ?h?r?.A? th? demand for ??ur ?r?du?t in?r?????, ??ur business ??v?? money ?n product manufacturing ???t? due t? the l?rg?r v?lum? ?f ?r?du??.M?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n ?tr?t?g? i?nât g?ing t? w?rk for ?ll ?r?du?t? and ?ll t???? ?f bu?in?????.S?, ??m? ??m??ni?? utiliz? diff?r?nt m?rk?ting ?tr?t?gi?? than the normal t? be m?r? ?ff??tiv?. Th??? advantages in?lud?:F??t Gr?wthIf ??ur bu?in??? ?nd m?rk?ting objective i? t? ?nl?rg? your ??n?um?r base, th?n m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n is th? m??t ?ff??tiv? way t? ??t. Wh?n ??u ?ff?r better ?ri??? th?n ??ur ??m??tit?r?, luring out their ?u?t?m?r? becomes ???i?r th?t ?r?vi?u?l? ?x???t?d.C?n???u?ntl?, f??t gr?wth is heavily link?d with l?w prices, ?nd the more reasonable they ?r?, the higher th? im???t will b?.E??n?mi? AdvantagesD?finit?l?, itâ? a r????n?ibl? ??ll, but market ??n?tr?ti?n ??n bring ???t advantages if ??ur bu?in??? d?v?l??m?nt g??? the w?? ??u ?r?di?t?d ?nd h???d.L?w ?ri??? th?t gu?r?nt?? customer b??? gr?wth, m??n? th?t ??u can in?r???? th? ?u?ntit? ?f ?r?du?t? ?rd?r? d fr?m the supplier, whi?h will result in high?r ?r?fit? gained from l?w prices.Furth?rm?r?, some ??m??ni?? ri?k m?r? ?nd first bu? ?r?du?t? in bulk (for di???unt?) ?nd th?n implement th? penetration pricing ?tr?t?g?.C?mb?t C?m??tit?r?One ?f th? best parts ?f th? m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n ?tr?t?g? is ??mb?ting ??ur ??m??tit?r?.Im?gin?, ??u h?v? numerous ??m??tit?r? that ?r? trying to ?v?lv? ?nd ?r?gr???, th?? are ?t??ling ?u?t?m?r? fr?m you that results in l?w?ring ??ur profits and r?v?nu?. S?, considering that ??uâr? willing to ?t?? as the m?rk?t leader, th? ?nl? ?h?i?? you have i? to ?ut?l?? th?m.F?r instance, l?w u?fr?nt ?ri??? will oblige ??ur competitors t? ?hift to ?lt?rn?tiv? ?tr?t?gi?? with different ?ri?? regulations. This way, ??ur ??m??n? will ?ttr??t th? lost consumers ?nd itâll ?ut competitors on d?f?n?? ?r th? ?dg? ?f l??ving th? m?rk?t.Under ArmourM?rk?t penetration r??uir?? strong execution in ?ri?ing, ?r?m?ti?n, ?nd di?tributi?n in ?rd?r t? grow market ?h?r?.Und?r Arm? ur i? a g??d ?x?m?l? of a company th?t h?? d?m?n?tr?t?d ?u?????ful market penetration. The ??m??n? sells performance ????r?l, ?nd in r???nt ???r? it h?? ?ur?????d Adid?? t? b???m? the numb?r-tw? ?thl?ti?-w??r provider in th? U.S.The company has ??r?i?t?ntl? f??u??d on ??lling athletic f??tw??r, ?l?thing, ?nd ???????ri??, and w?? ?bl? to ???tur? a leadership ???iti?n in th? m?rk?t with that ?tr?t?g?.Throughout 2014, Under Armour fuelled its gr?wth b? f??u?ing largely ?n promotion, di?tributi?n, and consistent ?r?du?t. A? a r??ult th? ??m??n? could claim major successâ"especially r?l?tiv? t? m?j?r ??m??tit?r? Nik? ?nd Adidasâ"in th? fight f?r it? ?h?r? ?f the fitness apparel m?rk?t.Lik? Nik?, Under Arm?urâ? has been v?r? ?ff??tiv? ?t d?v?l??ing inspiring ?dv?rti??m?nt? that feature well-known m?l? ?nd female ?thl?t??.DISADVANTAGES OF MARKET PENETRATION STRATEGYUnm?t Pr?du?ti?n C??t?Itâ? n?t ?lw??? ????ibl? t? l?w?r the product price ?? ??u will. S?m?tim??, ?r?du?t? ?r? ?x??n?iv? to ?r??t? and ?m?ll bu?in????? tend t? ?truggl? while trying to ?r?du?? ?n?ugh t? lower th? ?r?du?ti?n ?nd ?r?du?t ?ri??. It b???m?? more ??m?l?x wh?n competing with l?rg? firm?.Under these circumstances, it would be wi??r for small companies t? f??u? ?n ?r?du?t packaging, marketing ??m??ign, ?nd public im?g? because it has the potential t? b? as effective ?? l?w ?ri???.Mi???d OpportunitiesBrands that produce luxury products ?ft?n make mi?t?k?? lik? m?rk?ting it ?? a ?h??? it?m. Customers wh? love luxur? ?r?du?t? will definitely avoid th? ?r?du?t whi?h w?? m?rk?t?d ?? a â?h??? luxur?.âS?, if ??uâr? f??u??d on luxur? products k??? in mind that l?w?r ?ri??? might m?k? it l??k disappointing.P??r C?m??n? ImageIf ??ur ??m??n? h?? ??v?r?l product lin?? (th?t in?lud?? a luxury lin?), th?n using m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n ?tr?t?g? might b? h?rmful.F?r instance, if ??u im?l?m?nt a market penetration ?tr?t?g? f?r a single product, it may b?dl? r?fl??t on th? r??t ?f your ?r?du?t lin??. F?r a b ?tt?r understanding, if th? l?rg? numb?r ?f ??ur ?u?t?m?r b??? becomes f?mili?r with th? cheap ?r?du?t, itâs highly ????ibl? th?t everyone will f?rg?t th?t th? firm also ?r?du??? luxur? it?m?.S?, th? brandâs reputation ?? a luxur? ?r?du??r will shortly di??????r.Lowering Indu?tr? PricesMarket ??n?tr?ti?n strategy ??n h?rm th? ?ntir? ?rg?niz?ti?n. If competitors ??ll ?imil?r ?r?du?t? and ?n? ?f th?m d??id?? to l?w?r prices, itâs n?tur?l th?t others will try t? m?t?h th?m t? ?r??t? a balance and ?v?id ??n?um?r ?hifting.Furthermore, the ??m??tit?r th?t was first to l?w?r prices, will have to continue doing th? ??m? in ?rd?r to m?int?in its m?rk?t l??d?r?hi?. S?, the results ??n b? ??v?r? b???u?? ??m??tit?r? might ?nd up ??lling th?ir ?r?du?t? ?t ?n ?xtr?m?l? l?w ?ri?? ?nd generate ?lm??t n? ?r?fit.L??k ?f R??ult?M?rk?t penetration ?tr?t?g? isnât ?lw??? ?ff??tiv?, ?????i?ll? wh?n a company ?nt?r? ?n industry wh?r? ?ri??? ?r? ?lr??d? set low.For ?x?m?l?, wh?n prices are ?lr??d? l ?w, it m??n? th?t ??n?um?r? have ?lr??d? built trust towards ?n existing company, ?? ?nt?ring the market and tr?ing t? b??t th? ?ri?? of the ??m??tit?r is ?n in?ff??tiv? w?? t? ??t.A n?w company ?h?uld ??n??ntr?t? ?n gaining it? worthy ?l??? in th? industry, r?th?r th?n tr?ing t? b??t ?th?râ? l?w ?ri???.MARKET PENETRATION PLANNINGA solid m?rk?t penetration ?l?n begins with id?ntif?ing th? products or ??rvi??? th?t th? r????r?h will focus ?n.Thi? establishes th? ????? ?f th? ?rim?r? r????r?h project. Prim?r? r????r?h d?t? t??i??ll? ??m?? fr?m int?rn?l ?r?hiv?? lik? fin?n?i?l ?nd ??l?? r???rt?.The n?xt step is th? market r????r?h ?r?????, which t??i??ll? in?lud?? d?t? gathering, ?nd int?r?r?t?ti?n, ?? w?ll as th? compiling of ??m??tit?r d?t? with r?g?rd? t? ??rtin?nt ?r?du?t? ?nd/?r ??rvi???.The secondary ??m??tit?r r????r?h m?? be compiled fr?m trade publications, news m?di?, ?nd g?v?rnm?nt agencies such as th? SEC ?nd U.S. C?n?u? bur??u, ?m?ng other sources. With th? findings from th? ?rim?r? and ????nd?r? research ?t?g?? in h?nd, it b???m?? possible t? f?rmul?t? a reliable market penetration plan.Ev?r? business h?? itâs ?wn ?uirk? ?nd nuances, ju?t lik? every m?rk?t. But th? fiv? ?t??? ?utlin?d below ?r? a g??d, g?n?r?l guideline f?r estimating ??t?nti?l market penetration.Big-Picture D?m?gr??hi?: Begin by thinking broadly ?b?ut ??t?nti?l ?u?t?m?r? in n?ti?n?l ??n?u? categories ?u?h as ?g?, g?nd?r, ?thni?it?, ?nd in??m?. Try t? d?t?rmin? where divi?i?n? ?nd overlaps m?? be. If potential customers ?r? limited t? ?n? g?nd?r or ?n?th?r, a ??rt?in income l?v?l, and/or ?thni?it?, ?nd fall within ??rt?in generational age, say mill?nni?l g?n?r?ti?n whit? w?m?n who ??rn m?r? th?n $70,000 ?nnu?ll?, for ?x?m?l?. Fr?m th?t ??int, ??u ??n ??l?ul?t? th? t?t?l numb?r ?f potential ?u?t?m?r? nationwide using U.S. Census d?t?.Imm?di?t? M?rk?t D?m?gr??hi?: Geography becomes increasingly important as a br?nd b?gin? to f??u? its m?rk?t penetration ?l?n. It may b? th?t th? n? w br?nd entering a giv?n m?rk?t h?? little ?r n? interest in marketing their ?r?du?t on th? national l?v?l. Itâ? ?l?? possible th?t the immediate m?rk?t ??uld be a statistical ?utli?r in t?rm? ?f d?m?gr??hi??. If, f?r ?x?m?l?, th? l???l ???ul?ti?n i? m?r? ?thni??ll? h?m?g?n?u? th?n national ?v?r?g??, ?r m?r? diverse in some r?????t, th?n it becomes im??rt?nt t? determine a m?r? f??u??d target d?m?gr??hi?. Knowing th? g?n?r?l area in geographic terms lik? radius helps t? d?t?rmin? the gross ???ul?ti?n ?f potential customers. Fr?m th?t ??int th? numb?r can be ?dju?t?d downward, b???ming m?r? ?nd m?r? accurate, b? a ?r????? of eliminating th??? wh??? ??n?ibiliti?? f?ll ?ut?id? the t?rg?t model. If, for ?x?m?l? th? imm?di?t? m?rk?t exists within a 20 mil? r?diu?, ?nd census data indi??t?? th?t 100,000 ????l? liv? within th?t r?diu?, but ???r?xim?t?l? h?lf ?f those are the wrong g?nd?r, th?n the numb?r of potential ?u?t?m?r? i? r?du??d t? ?b?ut 50,000, and ?? ?n.C?l?ul?ting R?ng?: Once th? total ?iz? of th? target market has b??n calculated, th? number ?f ??t?nti?l customers in the n?ti?n?l market ??n be added to th? numb?r of ??t?nti?l ?u?t?m?r? in the immediate market.Setting Reasonable Ex???t?ti?n?: Dr. M?rl?n? Jensen, and MBA professor ?t L??k H?v?n Univ?r?it? states in her b??k The Ev?r?thing Bu?in??? Pl?nning B??k: H?w t? Pl?n f?r Success in a N?w ?r Growing Business th?t itâs r????n?bl? to expect a consumer ?r?du?t t? ??hi?v? b?tw??n 2 ?nd 6 ??r??nt m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n, whil? th? reasonable r?ng? f?r a bu?in??? ?r?du?t i? between 20 and 40 ??r??nt. From there, th? d?t?rmin?d ???ul?ti?n numbers f?r the t?rg?t demographic can b? multi?li?d b? the numb?r? ?t ???h ?nd of th? m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n r?ng?â"?ith?r 2 ?nd 6, or 20 ?nd 40 respectively. Th? resulting numb?r? giv? th? ??tim?t?d m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n r?ng?. For example, if th? target market w?? ??l?ul?t?d ?t 50,000, multiply th?t by .02. Next, multiply 50,000 b? .06. The r??ulting ??ir ?f numbers are th? m? rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n estimate, which w?uld b? a r?ng? b?tw??n 1,000 ?nd 3,000 ?u?t?m?r?.Pr?j??ting th? C??tâ"B?n?fit: The ??tim?t?d m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n range, as compared t? th? numb?r ?f ?u?t?m?r? r??uir?d t? turn a ?r?fit will be th? center ?i??? ?f a ?u?????ful bu?in??? ?l?n. Itâs a ?im?l? m?tri? to calculate. If success r??uir?? ??nv?rting a numb?r ?f ?u?t?m?r? th?t i? gr??t?r than th? high ?nd of the m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n range, th?n the probability ?f ?u????? in the given m?rk?t i? l?w.Int?rn?ti?n?l M?rk?t Penetration Str?t?gi??Entry int? foreign m?rk?t? begins with a list ?f decisions leading t? a ??n?lu?i?n on ???tâ"b?n?fit. S?m? of th??? decisions include which m?rk?t? to ?nt?r and wh?n t? enter them, ?t what ???l?, ?nd in whi?h m?nn?r, ?t?.Th? ?u??ti?n ?f whi?h m?rk?t t? enter will b? d?t?rmin?d b? the l?ng-run ?r?fit potential, which h?? ??v?r?l key f??t?r?.S?m? of those ?r? th? size of the target d?m?gr??hi?, individual purchasing power, ?r?j??ti?n? for j?b ?utl??k, politica l ?nd ???n?mi? stability, ?nd ???n?mi? growth ?r?j??ti?n? in th? r?gi?n.The Art ?f G??d TimingA??uming that a new market i? b?ing ??n?id?r?d f?r ??n?tr?ti?n b???u?? ?h?ng?? in g?v?rnm?nt r?gul?ti?n? h?v? ?lt?r?d th? international business ?lim?t?â"m??ning no ?th?r f?r?ign brands ???r?t? within th?t market ??tâ"timing f?r ?ntr? can b? d?t?rmin?d with one ?im?l? m?xim.Ent?r ?? ??rl? ?? is r????n?bl? ????ibl?. Early ?ntri?? h?v? th? ?r??m?tiv? advantage ?f capturing th? m?j?rit? of the m?rk?t ?h?r? so l?ng as th?? h?v? done th?ir du? diligence establishing strong br?nd id?ntit? beforehand.With the m?rk?t ?h?r? ?dv?nt?g?, ??rl? ?ntr? ?l?? ??m?? with th? benefit of b?ing fir?t to ??nn??t with ?nd make an emotional im?r???i?n ?n th? n?w ?udi?n??.Th?t means b? the time ?n? m?rk?t l?t???m?r? arrive, brand loyalty ?h?uld b? in its full effect, and th??? ?ub???u?nt ?rriv?l? will f??? the uphill b?ttl? ?f ??m??ting ?g?in?t ??t?bli?h?d brands for m?rk?t share.MARKET PENETRATION IN A SATURATED MARKETM?rk?t ??tur?ti?n i? ?n? ?f the ?rim?r? limit?ti?n? to market penetration. Th?r? i? always a m???ur?bl?, ?nd ?r?di?t?bl? ??int at whi?h ?ll th? ?u?t?m?r? with potential interest in a giv?n ??t?g?r? ?f products ?nd/?r services h?v? b??n reached by ?ith?r a n?w??m?r or ?n ?xi?ting bu?in???.Th?tâ? th? d?finiti?n ?f a ??tur?t?d m?rk?t.At th?t ??int, it may ?till b? possible to ???tur? m?r? market ?h?r?, th?r?b? ??hi?ving d????r m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n, but th? ???tâ"b?n?fit ratio t?nd? t? b? unf?v?ur?bl?.G?ining deeper market penetration in a saturated m?rk?t t??i??ll? inv?lv?? investment in ?ggr???iv?l? competitive marketing ?nd advertising initiatives intended t? ??r?u?d? members of a ??m??tit?râ? ?u?t?m?r base t? ?wit?h l???lt? from one brand to ?n?th?r.In those cases, th?r?â? always a ?h?n?? th?t the ??m??titi?n may respond in kind.Th?r? i? also the ??t?nti?l f?r l?g?l i??u?? to ?ri?? if f?l??, or lib?ll?u? ?l?im? ?r? ???it?d b? the competitive ?d?.Ex???t in v?r? rare ????? , ?dditi?n?l ?u?t?m?r? gained through th??? methods in a ??tur?t?d market do n?t ?i?ld ?n?ugh r?turn t? justify th? inv??tm?nt in tim?, energy, creative r???ur???, ?nd ?x??n??.M?RK?T PENETRATION V?. M?RK?T DEVELOPMENTM?rk?t d?v?l??m?nt is di?tin?t fr?m market ??n?tr?ti?n in th?t m?rk?t d?v?l??m?nt r?d?fin?? the target market fr?m th? outset. In a m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n ?tr?t?g? th? market ?iz? i? a fix?d numb?r.Market d?v?l??m?nt inv?lv?? expansion ?f th? ??t?nti?l market t? new ?u?t?m?r? or n?w uses, wh?r??? market ??n?tr?ti?n inv?lv?? ??m??ting to ???tur? a gr??t?r share of ?n ??t?bli?h?d customer base.New users d?fin?d b? m?rk?t d?v?l??m?nt ?l?n? m?? in?lud? those of ?imil?r t??t??, and d?m?gr??hi? ??t?g?ri?? wh? are l???t?d in a diff?r?nt g??gr??hi? r?gi?n th?n th? ?rim?r? m?rk?t. Or th?? m?? b? potential customers ?urr?ntl? in th? n?n-bu??r ??t?g?r? who n??d t? b? intr?du??d t? ?lt?rn?t? uses f?r a ?r?du?t.Market d?v?l??m?nt may be ?? ?im?l? ?? l?w-???t ?? expanding ?n existing cus tomer m?iling li?t b? bu?ing third-party m?iling li?t? in the interest ?f t?rg?ting n?w ?u?t?m?r d?m?gr??hi??.It may be a subtle ?iv?t from th? ??t?bli?h?d market penetration plan in which ??t?nti?ll? ?r?fit?bl? d?m?gr??hi?? ?r? t?rg?t?d with n?w advertising initi?tiv??.Or, it m?? b? ?? in-d??th ?? ?dding new locations in regions ??m??tit?r? h?v? yet t? t?rg?t. In ?n? ?f th??? ?????, the d??ir?d m?rk?t ?x??n?i?n involves ???it?l inv??tm?nt. Obviously th?tâ? a giv?n, ?nd ?? ?r? the ri?k?.Ex??nding into n?w markets m?? b? more complex th?n simply establishing n?w l???ti?n?.If, f?r ?x?m?l?, a cable TV ??m??n? ?r?vid?? ??rvi??? in whi?h fu?l ???t?, fl??t m?int?n?n??, and tr?n?it tim?? b?tw??n customers and ??rvi?? t??hni?i?n? f??t?r? int? b?th the ?u?lit?, value, and profitability of the enterprise, then expansion int? n?w t?rrit?ri?? will involve th? ??m??n? ?ith?r ??r??ding it??lf t?? thin, ?r ??mmitting t? investing in mu?h m?r? th?n ju?t th? ??t?bli?hm?nt ?f new l???ti?n? ?l?ng.Ex pansion of vehicle fleets, as w?ll ?? maintenance facilities ?nd staff w?uld also b? n??????r? in th?t ????. And, if th? n?w market f?il? t? ?i?ld ?d??u?t? returns, th?n ???it?l ?nd resource investments th?t ??uld h?v? been ???li?d in other ways g? to w??t?.H?r? ?r? a f?w factors t? consider wh?n ??nt?m?l?ting a market d?v?l??m?nt ?nd ???iti?ning ?tr?t?g?:D??? research indi??t? th?t the m?rk?t i? f?v?r?bl? for d?v?l??m?nt?Can the bu?in??? be ?d??t?d t? th? n?w market?D??? the ??m??n? have b?th th? r???ur???, ?nd th? will t? ??mmit t? n?w m?rk?t d?v?l??m?nt?Will ?x??n?i?n int? n?w markets cost th? bu?in??? any competitive advantages in it? ?urr?nt market?If th? m?rk?t development ?l?n inv?lv?? developing n?w product lines, expanding th? scope ?f ?xi?ting ?r?du?t lin??, ??n?id?r th??? ?u??ti?n?:Will ??t?bli?h?d customers b?n?fit from the ?x??nd?d product lin??? Ar? th?? ??king for that?Can shifts in m?nuf??turing, di?tributi?n, ?nd m?rk?ting be ??timiz?d for maximum ?ffi?i?n???Will cu rrent ????t? lik? ??r??nn?l, production f??iliti??, di?tributi?n ?h?nn?l?, and brand m????ging r???ur???, i.?. marketing ?nd advertising, b? sufficient to h?ndl? th? ?x??n?i?n?Does the bu?in??? h?v? th? ?x??rti?? and skills to produce ?nd d?liv?r what it ?r???????Does th? bu?in??? truly understand th? ?ultur? and ???i?l climate of th? r?gi?n? where it ?r?????? t? expand? F?r ?x?m?l?, d??? th? ?r?????l inv?lv? building gi?nt w?r?h?u?? stores in ?m?ll, ?ui?t ??mmuniti???C?n brand recognition b? l?v?r?g?d in th? ?r?????d expanded m?rk?t? F?r ?x?m?l?, a well-known ?l?thing company that m?k?? foray into offering shoes, or h?ndb?g?, m?? b? ?bl? t? r?l? on a certain ?m?unt of br?nd recognition.Unwritten Bu?in??? L?w?: Sometimes Rain F?ll? Even on Th??? Wh? are Alr??d? S??k?dItâ? im??rt?nt to b? aware th?t th?r?â? a flip side to the ??rl? ?ntr? ?t?r?.There are ri?k?.The time and ?ff?rt ???nt with br?nding ?tr?t?gi??, market r????r?h, and local ??m??tit?r ?n?l???? ?t?nd t? ?u?h b??k t? t he d?t? f?r ??hi?ving the full r?turn ?n the initi?l m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n investment.Then th?r? i? the ????ibilit? ?f unf?r????n ??nting?n?i??. Tim? ?nd ?ff?rt inv??t?d in l??rning th? rul?? and th? ?t?k?? ?f a n?w g?m? in a n?w ecosystem m?? turn ?ut t? b? gr??t?r th?n anticipated.Ign?r?n?? ?f ?ultur?l conventions, th? nuances ?f a foreign legal systemâ"which may in?lud? ????i?l t?x?? ?n f?r?ign businessesâ"and g?rd?n-v?ri?t? x?n??h?bi? suspicion ?f outsiders ??uld turn ?ut to b? li?biliti?? th?t g? unaccounted f?r in the initial market penetration ?l?n.A? previously mentioned, early entry tends t? ??? ?ff f?r th??? who ?r? fully ?r???r?d.Consider th? ???? ?f KFC who ???n?d its fir?t Chinese restaurant in Ti?n?nm?n S?u?r? in 1987. At th? time, m?n? ?f the Chin??? w?r? ?till w??ring th? tuni? ?uit? of the Mao ?r? and h?d n?v?r heard ?f western f??t f??d.But b???u?? ?f th?ir ?tr?ng br?nd, dilig?nt ?l?nning ?nd willingness t? l??rn about the foreign culture ?nd break fr?m th? long-est ablished n?rm ?f selling th? ??m? lin? ?f ?r?du?t? th? exact same w?? th?? h?d ?lw??? b??n ??ld in th? U.S. and Eur???, th? fri?d-?hi?k?n giant b???m? ?f the m??t ?ur?ri?ing international bu?in??? success stories in hi?t?r?.Good for them.But because ?f th?ir success, th? category of western fast f??d b???m? a cultural n?v?lt? ??r??? th? most ???ul?u? ??untr? in th? w?rld. And n? ?n? f??t-f??d ?h?in would b? ?n?ugh t? fill the wide open m?rk?t KFC ?r??t?d.Th?t ??t the ?t?g? f?r M?D?n?ldâ? t? ??r??d across Chinese markets with far less effort, ?nd investment in planning ?nd ?tr?t?g?. Admitt?dl? though, M?D?n?ldâ? ?l?? h?d an unstoppably ?tr?ng br?nd ?? w?ll.No bu?in??? ?h?uld ??unt ?n th? extreme g??d f?rtun? McDonaldâs ?x??ri?n??d in Chin?. A? ?lw??? th? b??t b?t is t? h??? for th? b??t but ?l?n for th? w?r?t.And t??i??ll? wh?n a bu?in??? ?nt?r? a f?r?ign m?rk?t wh?r? n?t even the ??t?g?r? for it? type of ?r?du?t? ?r ??rvi??? ?xi?t?, the t?rg?t d?m?gr??hi? can ?r?v? ?l?w t? ?d? ?t.In th?t case furth?r inv??tm?nt in ?dv?rti?ing and outreach m?rk?ting t? make ??t?nti?l ?u?t?m?r? ?w?r? of the b?n?fit? ?ff?r?d m?? b? r??uir?d. And ?v?n th?n, it ??n be a painstaking ?r?????.Thi? i? where th? scale ?f m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n ??m?? into ?l??.If ?n?ugh ?f th??? ?u??ti?n? ?r? satisfactorily ?ffirm?d and m?rk?t expansion ?????r? t? ?ff?r a legitimate ?h?n?? ?t growth ?nd ?r?fit?bilit?, then there are a f?w ??mm?n approaches to th? process.T?rg?ting th? competitionâs customer b??? â" Competing agencies in ?n? f?rm ?r? d?fin?d b? their ?imil?riti??, the m??t important of which i? ?u?t?m?r d?m?gr??hi??.But m?rk?t r????r?h m?? reveal subtle d?m?gr??hi? subcategories that ??n b? l?v?r?g?d b? using advertising and m?rk?ting r???ur??? t? ??t?bli?h a di?tin?ti?n b?tw??n ?n? business organization ?nd ?n?th?r. H?r? ?r? a f?w id??? for that:A????r?n??: If your ??m??n? m?k?? a ?h??i??l ?r?du?t ??u ??n t?il?r ?r?du?t d??ign? t? establish aesthetic di?tin?ti?n? th?t will appeal to the sensibilities ?f the new market ??gm?nt.Phil????h?: Brand messaging ??n u?? rhetorical devices t? ?????l to ?ubtl? philosophical traits that will ?????l to the b?li?f? ?f th? t?rg?t market ??gm?nt.Cu?t?m?r Experience: Th? customer ??rvi?? model ??n b? t?il?r?d to r?fl??t b?th a commitment to aesthetic ?nd ?hil????hi??l di?tin?ti?n? th?t ?ng?nd?r a ??n?? ?f ?x?lu?ivit? in potential ?u?t?m?r?.Limit Cu?t?m?r Ri?k: D??ign ways to ?nb??rd ?nd ??rvi?? n?w ?u?t?m?r? in w??? th?t are ???? and ??nv?ni?nt f?r th?m. Al?? ?ff?r an easy ?xit ?tr?t?g?, lik? a money-back gu?r?nt??Expertise: If th? bu?in??? d??l? in ?n? t??? ?f technical field, br?nd m????ging can ??t?bli?h technical ?u??ri?rit? that m?k?? choosing one brand over another a ?m?rt d??i?i?n.U?ing br?nd m????ging t? ??t?bli?h distinctions b?tw??n ?n? ??m??n? ?nd ?n?th?r i? a tri?d ?nd tru? market d?v?l??m?nt t??ti?.H?w?v?r, ?n?? a bu?in??? m?n?g?? to ?x??nd its m?rk?t on th? m?rit? ?f those differences, those di?tin?ti?n? mu?t b? m ?int?in?d from th?t ??int f?rw?rd, so l?ng ?? they wi?h t? r?t?in ?rim??? in th? new market ??gm?nt?.Admittedly, that desire m?? n?t persist forever. C?m??tit?r? may initiate ?tr?t?gi?? t? r????tur? m?rk?t ??gm?nt? th?t they l??t. Or, the ?x??nd?d m?rk?t m?? become less profitable ?v?r time. Or, ?hift? in the original m?rk?t may open u? new opportunities f?r m?rk?t ??n?tr?ti?n.It ??uld also b? that th? n?wl? d?v?l???d m?rk?t? ?r?v? t? b? so lu?r?tiv? that a bu?in??? ?l??t? t? ?b?nd?n its original m?rk?t ?lt?g?th?r.Itâ? ?l?? not unheard ?f f?r g?v?rnm?nt r?gul?ti?n? to ?h?ng? in w??? th?t make ?x??n?i?n int? ?v?r???? m?rk?t? th? most favorable strategy f?r growth. In th?t case, th?r? will be ??rt?in ?l?m?nt? ?f th? model th?t will need t? b? r?vi?it?d.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Customer Centric Organization, Excellent Management...
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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Symptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia - 940 Words
Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that interferes with a personââ¬â¢s ability to think clearly, manage emotions, make decisions and relate to others. It is a complex, long-term medical illness, affecting about 1% of Americans (NAMI). Schizophrenia has many causes, symptoms, and treatments and affects a wide variety of people. While it may be hard to diagnose the cases that are can receive treatment to help with their worst symptoms. Some symptoms of Schizophrenia include hallucinations, delusions, negative symptoms, thought disorders, movement disorders, positive symptoms and cognitive issues. These many issues can affect the patient in many ways such as with hallucinations, most of the hallucinations that are told of are hearing voices, the National Institute of Mental Health states, Hallucinations are things a person sees, hears, smells, or feels that no one else can see, hear, smell, or feel. Voices are the most common type of hallucination in schizophrenia. Many people with the disorder hear voices. The voices may talk to the person about his or her behavior, order the person to do things, or warn the person of danger. Sometimes the voices talk to each other. People with schizophrenia may hear voices for a long time before family and friends notice the problem (NIMH). While hallucinations are only a fraction of the problem they are one of the main symptoms associated with Schizophrenia disorder. Another big symptom includes delusions. Delusions can range fromShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1176 Words à |à 5 Pages Symptoms The symptoms of schizophrenia are wide and varied, typically falling into three main categories, positive symptoms, negative symptoms, and cognitive symptoms. Each of these symptom types affect the patient in different ways, and in different degrees of severity. The symptoms may range from mildly irritating, to severe and debilitating. Positive symptoms are behaviors not normally seen in healthy people. Negative symptoms are behaviors that are usually exhibited in healthy people but areRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1671 Words à |à 7 Pages Schizophrenia is defined many ways, but each definition of this disorder is correct. No two individuals will have the exact same symptoms of schizophrenia. The word schizophrenia comes from the Greek words that mean ââ¬Å"split mindâ⬠. This disorder can lead to many other problems throughout a personââ¬â¢s lifetime. There are many different symptoms that can help with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, but each of the sym ptoms can also be contributed to other disorders. The symptoms of schizophrenia appearRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia904 Words à |à 4 Pagessigns symptoms observed. Some of the disorders are caused by different factors and reveal divergent signs and symptoms which are depended on the field of the body infected. This paper purposes at critically evaluating and analyzing psychological disorder referred to as schizophrenia by demonstrating its symptoms and their occurrences. It will discuss the causes of this type of psychological disorder and possible diagnostic together treatments mechanisms of this kind of disease. Schizophrenia is aRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1077 Words à |à 5 PagesIntroduction Schizophrenias is a serious mental illness characterized by incoherent or illogical thoughts, bizarre behavior and speech, and delusions or hallucinations, such as hearing voices (APA,2015). I choose to touch on the topic of schizophrenia because I always been interested the topic itself. The one thing I wondered is if there are different stages of schizophrenia and why it may be hard to diagnose. Schizophrenia is a mental disease thatââ¬â¢s very hard to pinpoint in a person, whichRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1210 Words à |à 5 PagesIntroduction Schizophrenia Symptoms. Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder which is characterized by an inability to distinguish what is real and subsequent abnormal behavior. Literally translating from the Greek skhizein and phrÃân meaning ââ¬Ësplit-mindââ¬â¢, schizophrenia is characterized by both positive symptoms, e.g. hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized thinking, and also negative symptoms, e.g. apathy, Anhedonia, and deficits in executive functioning. The Diagnostic and StatisticalRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1153 Words à |à 5 Pages 1 / 3 Cindy Tien 3-18-15 Per.6 Schizophrenia What is Schizophrenia? Can you imagine living day by day having to hear and see things that nobody else could? You feel alone, lost and different amongst other normal people. Believe it or not, approximately twenty five million people in America have been impacted by this disease called schizophrenia. What is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is mental disorder distinguished by disturbances within thought patterns, attention, and emotions. UnfortunatelyRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia Essay858 Words à |à 4 PagesSchizophrenia Over 2 million Americans suffer with schizophrenia each day. A vast majority of people diagnosed with schizophrenia suffer from hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, and disorganized speech. Hallucinations are sensory experiences in the absence of external stimulation; therefore, people with schizophrenia may see people or things that are not really there and may even hold conversions or have relationships with these ââ¬Å"peopleâ⬠. Delusions are false beliefs about reality. Someone withRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1569 Words à |à 7 Pagesmental health professionals, Jaime was confirmed to have paranoid schizophrenia. Jaime was immediately put on antipsychotic medication, and after about 3 months of taking that medication, he started attending psychological treatment. He has been continuing with both procedures for about a year. Today, his medication dose has lowered and he has shown much improvement compared to when he first was diagnosed. Introduction Positive symptoms are behaviors that aren t seen in healthy people, people whoRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1049 Words à |à 5 Pages The Effects of Schizophrenia Madison M. Sulak Dr. Linstrum PSYCH 2301 East Texas Baptist University Fall 2015 Pg. 1 A brain disorder can be triggered by multiple different things such as a stroke, abnormal growths, any type of viral infection, or cancer. There are countless types of brain disorders that people are diagnosed with daily. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, ââ¬Å"Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder that has affected peopleRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1430 Words à |à 6 PagesIntroduction Schizophrenia is very complex and ââ¬Å"startling disorder characterized by a broad range of cognitive and emotional dysfunctionsâ⬠(Barlow Durand, 2015, p. 477). It can greatly impact a personââ¬â¢s life in a negative manner: affecting physical, emotional, relational, and occupational health. The National Institute of Mental Health defines schizophrenia as a ââ¬Å"chronic and severe disorder that affects how a person, think, feels, and actsâ⬠(National Institute of Mental Health, n.d., para. 1).
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Population Free Essays
A population is consists of a group of the same species which occupy the same area. In order for a population to survive certain variables must be in place, making the biome ideal to support life for that and the other species within that community. There are some species that depends solely on the type of climate and food web that is available in a particular biome, these species would be considered to be specialists. We will write a custom essay sample on Population or any similar topic only for you Order Now Other species are able to adapt to the change of climate and eat a variety of items which aids in their survival and population growth. This paper will examine four species of birds in an effort to ascertain which species may be considered generalist / opportunistic and which species are specialist depending on specific climate or with a narrow niche preference. In order to providers with accurate information the writer will examine the environmental preference of these specific species, their diet, population growth and biome that provides the perfect living conditions for their species. The four species being examined today are the American Robin, the Wood Stork, Great Blue Herron and the Double Crested Cormorant. The American Robinââ¬â¢s diet consists of a wide variety of berries earthworms and insects, and they are found throughout North America. Communities or Robins are found in several biomes, including forests edges, woodlands, grasslands, tundra and forests regenerating from recent fires, they are also found in populated urban areas since human development provides areas for them to forage. Although the Robin is a migratory species some of them have adapted to the cold and spend their entire lives in the colder regions of Northern America and Southern Canada. Although some American Robin is capable of adapting to several environments their diets are not so widespread in the summer they feast on insects and earthworms, while in the winters their diets mainly consists of berries. It is often hard to determine whether or not a species fall in the category of generalist or specialist because of their behavior and eating patterns, however it could safely be said that the American Robin is a specialist and their eating habits has proven this and also because they are migratory. The Double Crested Cormorant is widely distributed being found in egions with bodies of water that will support their diet of mainly fish however crustaceans, insects and amphibians are known to be consumed by them. The biomes that provide them with the best living conditions would be the temperate costal waterways, freshwater rivers and lakes and other marine waters The fact that they consume over 250 species of fish which is readily available in regions with abundant rainfall has aided in the rebound of their population. The Double Crested Cormorant falls within the category of generalist [opportunistic. In the United States he Wood Stork is found mainly in the southern regions along the coastal areas. Their food supply which includes a range fishes, frogs, mollusks, snails and insects can be found in coastal areas, tidal waters, marshes, swamps, streams and mangroves. The to provide them with food supply year round. Although their diets are made up of several types of items they mainly come from the waterways and as such their distribution is not widespread, making the Wood stork a specialist species. The Great Blue Herron was made for survival; they are very adaptive and can be found in a ide variety of areas within the United States. Their diets include both vertebrates and invertebrates, insects, fishes and even other birds. They also consume small mammals and amphibians which can be found in forests or waterways. These birds can also endure the cold winters therefore many biomes support their habitats. The Great Blue Herron would be considered an opportunistic species since they are widely distributed and very adaptive to climate and diet. In concluding I would like to say that most species donââ¬â¢t fit easily into one category making it harder to identify hether or not they are specialist or generalist, as in the case of the Robin who is widely distributed, however they are confined based on what they eat and weather conditions. How to cite Population, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Closes Heritage Essay Example For Students
Closes Heritage Essay Although he greatly admired Abstract Expressionist painters such as Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock and, especially, Willem de Kooning, he wrote, They nailed it down so wellthat I couldnt do anything but weak impersonations of their work. . . . Once you know what art looks like, its not hard to make some of it. . . . The dilemma I found myself in after having gotten out of graduate school is enjoying making art but not liking what I made. Closes paintings were based on black-and-white photographs he took of himself and his artist friends, all of whom were fairly unknown at the time. He enlarged and transferred the photographic images to canvas by a process of grids. Close didnt want to make Pop posters of famous people. Chuck Close liked to use a grid method where he drew each portion of the paintings on a grid, block for block making near perfect replicas of the photo or he would make abstract pictures. Linda is a very realistic piece made with acrylic and pencil on canvas. Close drew it exactly as a photo very clear around the face, eyes, nose, and mouth. However the outside of the hair, the cheek, the neck and below are all blurred. Just as in a photo. Linda is a middle age woman with brown curly hair and lots of make up. There are very thin lines everywhere in no specific direction, lots used under the eyes. Color is used a lot, theres red to show the make-up, white to show glare, blue shows eye shadow colors are obviously mixed to get the realistic skin tone. There is lots of value to get a realistic look for example the fading color of the make-up. The tome of this piece is a medium tone. Highlights are used in the eyes, nose, mouth, and inner cheeks. The texture is sooth. There are no specific shapes that close used, there are however Organic shapes as a result of his use of the grid. Like the curls on the hair, the oval shaped eyes, etc. There is No negative space the only possible negative space is the background, which is even shaded. The color is the strongest element there are so many blended to make such a realistic look it just draws me to the picture, only by looking very closely do I realize its a painting. I think the design principle rhythm is mostly in the hair how it just curls around, down into the face it make you look everywhere. The mood of this piece is very dull the woman looks like shes had a rough day, and is tired. The focal point is the womans face where it is not blurred. This piece is asymmetrically balanced. This piece is a self-portrait done with oil on canvas; the entire thing is done on a grid with different shapesà and shades of gray. Each box on the grid looked at closely is a circle or an X or oval but step back and it is a picture of a middle age Chuck Close. The use of lines is mainly in the grid. The color is black and white, w ith different shades of gray. There is a wide range of value, each block blends to make a big picture. The tone is dark and the contrast is low. There are highlights used on the face. The texture is smooth. The shapes are lots of Xs and Os on a grid to make a portrait. He uses positive space every block is accounted for even the background. Shape is the strongest element because the whole thing is made with individual shapes. The element of value grabs my attention best, if there were no value you wouldnt be able to see the big picture. This piece shows rhythm by using the shapes on the grid, it makes me look more closely. .ucd8026d9c96b356ee81dce867c585e60 , .ucd8026d9c96b356ee81dce867c585e60 .postImageUrl , .ucd8026d9c96b356ee81dce867c585e60 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucd8026d9c96b356ee81dce867c585e60 , .ucd8026d9c96b356ee81dce867c585e60:hover , .ucd8026d9c96b356ee81dce867c585e60:visited , .ucd8026d9c96b356ee81dce867c585e60:active { border:0!important; } .ucd8026d9c96b356ee81dce867c585e60 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucd8026d9c96b356ee81dce867c585e60 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucd8026d9c96b356ee81dce867c585e60:active , .ucd8026d9c96b356ee81dce867c585e60:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucd8026d9c96b356ee81dce867c585e60 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucd8026d9c96b356ee81dce867c585e60 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucd8026d9c96b356ee81dce867c585e60 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucd8026d9c96b356ee81dce867c585e60 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucd8026d9c96b356ee81dce867c585e60:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucd8026d9c96b356ee81dce867c585e60 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucd8026d9c96b356ee81dce867c585e60 .ucd8026d9c96b356ee81dce867c585e60-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucd8026d9c96b356ee81dce867c585e60:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Family Heritage Paper EssayThe directional movement moves toward the portrait. The shape also show unity with how they are pieced together to make the portrait. I think to mood of this piece is dull he the picture of close him self is not too dull but since its in black and white it is, an overall dull painting. The focal point of this painting is on the painting of Chuck Close. This piece is asymmetrically balanced. The two pictures are pretty much the same theme. The both are pictures of people that are not necessarily famous. Neither person looks like there in a very good mood, or are attractive. They both are done using the grid method, where each block is put together to make a big picture. The difference between these two pieces is the look. The realistic one is very real looking while the abstract one is obvious what the picture is it looks very much like a drawing. Each grid is used to make shapes while in the realistic one the grid is used just to portion off areas that Close can draw perfectly. Chuck Close is so far my favorite artist I have analyzed. He puts a lot of time in his work. Especially for the realistic paintings and for the abstract paintings he also puts in lots of time, but I especially like the creativity in the grid of the abstract paintings. Chuck Close is someone I can really admire.
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